Short term training program on
Posted on August 20th, 2019 @ 06:06pm
Department of CE/IT/MCA/BCA, School of Engineering, RK University has organized a One Week Short Term Training Program on " Database Design and Programming with SQL " dated on 10 th 14th June 2019 sponsored by GUJCOST, DST and GOG, under the aegis of Oracle Academy and Centre of Professional Development (CPD), RK University.
The programme was inaugurated on 10 th June 2019, in presence of Honorable Chief Guest Mr. Ritesh Jain Project Manager-ERP Oracle Academy; Director, School of Engineering, Dr. N.B. Kalani; and Head of Department - CE/IT, Prof. Ashwin Raiyani
During this 5 days STT P, Mr. Ritesh Jain has put equal weightage to database designing and data programming throughout the workshop. Expert has engaged faculty members to analyse complex business scenarios and create a data model—a conceptual representation of an organization s information.
Happy to share that Participants had implemented their database design by creating a physical database using SQL. This workshop culminates with a project that challenges students to design, implement, and demonstrate a database solution for a business or organization. The five days short term training programing has taught how to manage PL/SQL program units and dependencies, while using of some of the Oraclesupplied packages, special case studies in the areas of Data Science and Data Analytics as well as a hands-on practical experience on different Analytics tools.
The STTP was carried out successfully as all the planned sessions had been conducted satisfactorily. Total 22 participants in which 1 participate comes from Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) - Sri Lanka and rest from well-known institutes like Darshan college of engineering Rajkot, Atmiya Institute of technology and science Rajkot, Gokul Global University, Marwadi University, Rajkot, Shree Adarsh BCA College attended the programme as enthusiastic participants.
The Valedictory function was on 14th June 2019, in presence of Honorable Chief Guest Mr. Ritesh Jain, Project Manager, Oracle Academy, Director, School of Engineering, Dr. N. B. Kalani and HoD-CE/lT, Prof. Ashwin Raiyani.
During valedictory function, Prof. Shivangi Patel has summarised training program in brief and Prof. Sheetal Pandya has expressed vote of thanks to all members who are directly or indirectly associated with this event. Then after, participants shared their experience of being here for this training program. During Valedictory, certificates and course material were presented to the participants.