An expert talk on Attribute Based Cryptography
Posted on December 19th, 2019 @ 07:12pm
Department of CE/IT/MCA/BCA had organized an expert talk on Attribute Based Cryptography: From Beginning to Present, a research talk on one of the current burning research area by Dr. Nishant Doshi from PDPU Gandhinagar, on 13th September 2019 for the students of CE/IT 7th semester and BCA 5th semester.
Dr. Nishant Doshi had briefed students about some basics need to know about security that require detail knowledge. He also discussed his research topic in the same field and how students can do research in the same area and what are the benefits. Sir focused on how data became more secure using different techniques through cyber security from 1995 to till date. Total 80+ students attended the session with active participation and with keen interest.