Two Day Workshop On Solar Energy System Design
Posted on November 26th, 2019 @ 06:53pm
Two days workshop on Solar Energy System Design was organized by Electrical department, School of Engineering on 12th and 13th November 2019 at RK University.
The workshop was sponsored by GUJCOST. 30 students of diploma and degree engineering have participated in the workshop. On 1st day of workshop Mr. Amit Naliyapara, Mr. suraj sagapariya, Mr. Hardik sadariya have conducted session on different types of solar systems and their technical functioning. Technical visit of Roof Top solar plant of the RK university was also conducted during this session. On 2nd day of workshop Mr. Dharmin Kher conducted session on Calculations need to be done to establish solar power plant. Mr. Bharat Asodariya have conducted hands on session on “PV syst†software about designing of on grid solar system.
Students have learned about in depth designing of Solar Energy system from load calculation to physical establishment of the PV plant.