Mechanical Engineering Department organized an online expert session on "Methodology to implement Non-Linear FEM method to solve real-life engineering problems
Posted on May 28th, 2020 @ 01:52pm
Mechanical Engineering Department of School of Engineering had scheduled an online expert session on "Methodology to implement Non-Linear FEM method to solve real-life engineering problems" for the students and faculties on April 26, 2020. The expert was Mr. Pinkal Fichadiya who is working with L&T, Vadodara as Senior Design Engineer. Mr. Pinkal is also our alumnus. During he session he explained methods to implement non-linear FEM methods. He also demonstrated various case studies. A small live demonstration was also carried out with ANSYS Discovery Live. Students and faculties also expressed their curiosity by asking many questions during the session. This session has helped to ignite the desire among the students and faculties to be an FEA expert.