6 Days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Finite Element Method”
Posted on January 10th, 2023 @ 03:30pm
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, RK University had organized a 6 days Short Term Training Program(STTP) on " Finite Element Method" during 21st – 26th June 2021 sponsored by AICTE under the aegis of Centre of Professional Development (CPD), RK University.
The Programme was inaugurated on 21st June 2021, in presence of honorable chief guest Mr. Pinkal Fichadiya - Senior CAE Engineer, L & T Tech Services Ltd, Vadodara ; Director, School of Engineering, Dr. Amit M. Lathigara; and Head of Department – ME, Dr. Chetankumar M Patel;
Program Summary:
Finite element method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving a differential or integral equation. It has been applied to a number of physical problems, where the governing differential equations are available. This STTP aimed to enhance knowledge and provide exposure to current trends and research in the field of Finite Element Method applications.. Participants benefited by learning various methods of finite element analysis with practical experience. Also, this STTP emphasized various issues, challenges, and applications related to FEM. Strict social distancing was maintained during the all session of lecture and laboratory. During these 6 days STTP, 13 eminent experts from the Industry and Academia shared their knowledge and experience in area of Finite Element Method. There were also some hand on practices with the computer laboratory, which further made the learning strong with learning by doing. 47 participants were trained with different skill sets to create, analyze and implement Finite element method. At the end of the program, a test was arranged which was successfully cleared by all the participants.