Industrial visit to the company Solar technocast Pvt. Ltd was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Posted on January 24th, 2019 @ 03:21pm
An industrial visit to the company “SOLAR TECHNOCAST Pvt. Ltd.†was organized by the Department of Mechanical Egg., SOE, RK University for the students of the third semester on 2nd August 2018. The company is located in the surroundings of Kothariya, Rajkot number of students attended the visit were 23 in number accompanied by two faculty members Mr P Muralinath and Mr Sachin Gohel. The visit started with a welcome note main processes being carried out in the industry. The objective of the visit was to aware the students regarding the principles of investment casting, procedure, types of materials, coatings, types of furnace, working of a furnace, exposure of various parts being cast by investment casting, secondary machining processes and fettling processes. Students had the opportunity to visit the industry and that aligns with the course being taught. The visit helped students in learning and observing the patterns, mold boxes, the procedure involved in obtaining wax patterns, the size of sand particles, observe the furnace, equipment required in transferring the molten metal into the mold, principles involved in primary and secondary coatings along with sand particles and drying. The visit had reflected the practical observations in the industry in the context of the theoretical classes. Special attention was drawn where students had the opportunity of observing the part of a submarine that had undergone primary and secondary manufacturing processes. The entire visit was organized under the guidance of the honorable head of the department Dr Kartik D Kothari head-Mechanical/Agricultural depts