Industrial visit by the BTech. Agricultural Engineering students to Balaji Wafers pvt. ltd.
Posted on January 24th, 2019 @ 03:20pm
Students of 4th and 6th semester of B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering commenced their industrial trip on 1st February 2018 to Balaji Wafers Pvt. Ltd., Metoda, Rajkot. They were guided by the concerned manager of the sections along with senior marketing executive Mr. Avinash Akbari. They informed about different type of wafers making and saw themselves how different type of processing machine like grader, washer, peeler, cooker, dryer, spicer and packer works in a synchronized way. The Director Shri. Kanubhai Virani spent about one and half hour explaining how this company worth Rs. 400 crores comes into being. He also touched on environmental aspects which his company is contributing in its protection. Students were accompanied by Prof. Surya Nath and Dr. Bhalchandra Vibhute of Agricultural Engineering Department, School of Engineering, FOT, RK University, Rajkot.