Fluid Machines/Fluid Mechanics Lab
The Fluid mechanics laboratory consists of flow measurement devices, head loss measurement in pipe flow, impact of water jet on vanes, flow visualization apparatus, hydraulic pumps and turbines. Fluid mechanics lab and course helps the students in understanding the terminology, recall the basic principles and understand the importance and the rate of the discharge. Students will demonstrate the experiment from the theoretical knowledge gained from fluid mechanics and try to observe the readings to familiarize the working principle with performance calculations.

Thermal lab
Thermal science is a major part of the mechanical engineering where students made to familiarize the basic concepts of thermal sciences. From the knowledge gained by the other courses like thermal engineering and automobile engineering students shall understand the principle in propelling the vehicle. To have a glance view of the internal components and understand the passage of the fuel and generation of power the laboratory is well-found by the actual cut section of 4 stroke signal cylinder vertical diesel engine, actual cut section of 2 stroke signal cylinder scooter engine, actual cut section of 4 stroke single cylinder motorcycle engine, 4-stroke single cylinder diesel engine with hydraulic dynamometer test rig, 4-stroke 4-cylinder petrol engine with hydraulic dynamometer test rig. The lab atmosphere tends the student to be emotional and develops the zeal towards the branch of mechanical engineering.

Refrigeration Air Conditioning Lab
Lab is designed where it unveils the basic concepts of refrigeration and air conditioning systems, analysis of various refrigeration cycles, basic calculation of psychometric properties and process. The lab work is designed in displaying the various components of a refrigeration system and the principle in utilizing the medium to cool the objects. Undergoing the study of this lab enables the student to estimate and design the air conditioning system where a human can feel comfort. Lab is procured with refrigeration cycle test rig, air conditioning test rig, water heat pump test rig, vapor absorption test rig and cut section of control board. Facility avails students to performance test on vapor compressor rig using thermostatic expansion valve, using capillary tube expansion valve, test on air-conditioning test rig. Lab relates to understand the household/domestic refrigerator, usage of different types of refrigerants.

Heat and Mass Transfer Lab
Heat and mass transfer lab is designed for students to make them understand the principles of conduction, convection and radiation. Course mainly focuses on transfer of heat from one region to the other region. After having a theoretical knowledge students use the lab facilities in measuring the thermal conductivity of insulating powder, measure the thermal conductivity of composite slab, heat transfer in natural and forced convection apparatus. Students are made to recognize and set the parameters for various apparatus to calculate the emissive measurement apparatus, parallel flow/counter flow heat exchanger, and critical heat apparatus.